
Blog for family use..... and maybe more

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Yesterday we visited with Jack and Nancy. The kids were a bit of a nightmare on the way over, not likeing the music on the radio, but cheered up with a bit of tomfoolery on my part... Pretty soon after getting there Jack and I went out fishing on the lake (as we have most Tuesdays now for 6 months or so. Heather and Becca wanted to come too, so we put them in life jackets and set off. At first Becca was nervous of the boat, and the crickets, and she did have one total break down when she got a cricket on her, but once we started reeling in fish she soon turned it around. We cought over a dozen bluegill, some real nice big ones and saw plenty of wild life, but no gators. Each time I caught one I offered it up for a kiss from either girl, both squeemishly shied away but after 4 or 5 fish Becca stepped up to the plate and planted a smacker on it! Don't know what the fish thought but Becca was thrilled! after an hour or so the got a little bored and we motored back. Dinner was ready for us after we had washed up, Shepherd's pie and Salad, followed with Apple pie and ice cream. we had some really good conversation and left about 9:30 and plan to do it again soon. Back home I was really tired and sat and half watched the dennis Leary thing on FX with Jana and dozed off.

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